Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet Celia Becker from After Orange County…A New Blog You Will Love

There are so many blogs out there it is hard for a new blogger to garner a following.  I remember when my mom and my daughter were my only followers.  Here is a new blog I think you all will enjoy. Think Martha Stewart meets Ree Drummond . She is a fabulous cook and entertains at her lovely Lake Arrowhead home in a wonderfully relaxed style that she makes look simple.
In her own words Celia” fled the chaos of Orange County for a home in the hills on Lake Arrowhead”.  I have to say I had no clue where Lake Arrowhead was until I started reading her blog.  In “my neck of the woods” people have places in Tahoe or (like us) at Lake Nacimiento.  I kept spotting all of these wonderful recipes on Pinterest so I thought I should check out her blog. Even though Celia and her husband ditched their frenzied Orange County life for a calmer more agrarian existence she did not abandon her love for innovative and stylish gatherings.
Here are a few of her recipes that I have personally tried and devoured.  Her mushroom mostaccioli happens to have two of my favorite ingredients…mushrooms and pasta…yum!! You can find the recipe here
MUSHROOM MOSTACCIOLI | Recipe By www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
We had a work weekend at my daughter’s house last weekend and I knew we would not have a lot of time to cook so I took this recipe for this appetizer (which happens to be composed of three premade Trader Joe’s ingredients).  Her is the recipe for her lentil, bruschetta & feta cheese appetizer http://afterorangecounty.com/category/cook/page/4/.  Guaranteed to please and it is SIMPLE!!! I purchased a bag of chopped kale for my daughter.  Celia tosses the leftovers over kale for a next day salad! My daughter ate it for her lunch today and loved it!
They say every great party has a great host. Did I also mention that she entertains with style even on her dock? This was her Fourth of July spread that she prepared for friends. Doestn’t this dock look inviting? Wouldn’t you love to cruise up in your boat up for a fabulous dinner on the lake prepared by Celia?
OUR 4TH OF JULY ON THE LAKE | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
She prepared the amazing feast below to honor these two lovely ladies on their birthdays.
How To Throw A Beautiful Birthday Party | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
How To Throw A Beautiful Birthday Party | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com

Doesn’t this Roasted Beet Salad look heavenly served in these pretty glasses?
Roasted Beets with Goat Cheese in a Lemon Vinaigrette | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
Here she shares all kinds of clever ideas here for a graduation party
How To Throw A Great Graduation Party | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
That is a sneak peek of her lovely home in the background
How To Throw A Great Graduation Party | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
Wouldn’t you love to dine under the pines like this?
How To Throw A Great Graduation Party | www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
Celia is Spanish so every Christmas she makes her famous Paella.  I have made many Paella recipes but I think she has it down to a science.  Doesn’t this look fabulous? Find the recipe here http://afterorangecounty.com/2013/12/22/christmas-spanish-style-your-invitation-to-my-paella-party/
Christmas Spanish Style, A Paella Party in Lake Arrowhead, California, www.AfterOrangeCounty.com
I have yet to catch up on all of her recipes and entertaining tips.  My advice to you, do as I have,  grab a glass of wine and savor all of her past posts.  You can follow Celia’s blog here http://afterorangecounty.com/


  1. Dear Cindy,

    I can't tell you how touched I am by your kindness in sharing this post about my blog today. I am so honored by the fact that you reached out to let me know you appreciate what I do. As you know, this blogging stuff is a labor of love, yet it means so much to be recognized for the effort. I look forward to the day that we can meet in person, since I already know we are kindred spirits and love so many of the same things. I can't thank you enough for this post and very much look forward to making friends with some of your dedicated followers.



  2. Cindy, Celia has that great style and taste that just seems to come naturally to her (even though we all know how much work and thoughtfulness it truly takes!)

    The Arts by Karena

  3. Cindy!
    I can always count on you to steer me in the "right" direction!
    Celia's blog is a delight!
    I am going to be dreaming about that mushroom mostacciolli until I make it!
    (Yes, I will be making a shopping list on my lunch hour!)

    1. Lynne

      Cook it up...you will love it!! I have not tried a recipe yet of hers that I did not like!

  4. Oh off to see what all is going on. These recipes and pics are fabulous. Thanks for the intro.

  5. Ooooh....More blog fodder...looks like a lovely one!

  6. Before Celia left us in OC she always had the best parties, she truly knows how to entertain. Thank you for showing her blog
    Flo M

  7. How fun to have a new blog to read. We used to go to the Lake Arrowhead area (we called it "The Mountains" ) to escape the heat every summer. I'm actually in the airport headed to OC to help a client move.
    Celia's paella looks amazing!

  8. Have to check it out! Thanks for great intro Cindy!

  9. Celia told me that you would be showcasing her blog today. Celia is one of the most entrepreneurial and interesting women I know. Her blog is a delight to follow as she takes her own photos , shares her incredible recipies, and life in Lake Arrowhead. I happen to be one of the birthday gals in the picture (dark hair) , and was lucky enough to be the recipient of her birthday dinner gala. I look forward to following your blog, along with Celia's as I have my morning cup of Joe😊

    1. Soooo great to hear from one of the "birthday girls". I can only imagine what an honor it is to be one of Celias "besties" . Thank you for stopping by!!

  10. I've been following Celia's blog and came to your blog on her suggestion. Wonderful stuff.

  11. thanks for the intro Cindy. Looks like Celia has great style and a fun personality. I'll definitely visit her.

  12. What an awesome blog! Great recomendation. Love the beautiful relaxed style. It's like taking a vacation to the mountains.

  13. I will be visiting her Cindy, looks like my kind of inspiration.

    Thank you for the wonderful share.

    Wishing you a beautiful September


    1. You will love her blog Dore...she has the same panache and style that you posess!!

  14. I have had the privilege of dining on Celia's dock and in her gorgeous mountain home and YES, she is amazing with entertaining!!! Thank you for sharing her info... You won't be disappointed when you subscribe to her blog!!

    1. Hi Caren

      It is so wonderful to hear from so many of Celia's friends. It only reinforces my feelings the minute I started reading her blog. I hope many others will realize the same!!

  15. I have been fortunate enough to indulge my senses not only with great food and artistic creations by Celia, but by knowing the person behind the the talents: a warm, generous human being whose bubbly personality attracts others to her. Her blog is well worth a browse, not only to try the recipes and receive the oohs and aahs for yourself, but to put a little zing into your own celebrations. I know I already have. I will continue to follow her postings!

    1. Hi Carlye

      It is so nice to hear the praise for Celia that I at once knew she deserved! She has quite a fan club...justifyingly so!!

  16. Looks like such a lovely setting and glad you shared this!

  17. Thanks for sharing Celia on your blog. She's been cooking, creating and entertaining way back to our college days. She's an amazing woman! So glad she shared your blog with us so we could meet a new friend. Thanks!

    1. Luann

      Thank you so much for stopping by! I am in awe of Celia!

  18. Thank you Cindy for sharing this lovely blog....great posts! N.xo

  19. Love the TITLE of her blog!BIG difference ORANGE COUNTY to LAKE ARROWHEAD!!!GOOD JOB!

  20. Ill have to check out her blog...I love how she set her table using the rosemary...I'm going to have to pin that idea!

  21. Thanks for sharing this charming new blog! I love the table scape ideas and the paella looks like a work of art!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  22. Since I am not much of a cook I also love her decorating ideas. Check out the interiors of her little rental cottage in the area...so charming!

  23. It is so nice to see you showcase my former OC neighbor, Celia's blog. She is a wonderful, creative hostess and a nice, fun person, too! Can't wait to take a peek at your blog while I'm here!

  24. Celia's the best - creative beyond words. And a lovely lady. Enjoying the "Rough Luxe Lifestyle" by Cindy Hattersley.

  25. thank,s for sharing this lovely blog full of art and wonderful ideas, celia and cindy,

  26. Cindy,
    Celia is truly a blessing to all that know her. I was thrilled when she started her blog. She is incredibly talented. I also love that she connects us to blogs and resources like yours :) while she is sharing her many experiences.

  27. I shall have to pop over there. A very talented and creative lady! I would certainly love to dine under the pines.

  28. You are a wonderful blogger friend Cindy! How kind of you to share this lovely blog. I've had a look and have already pinned a couple of Celia's recipes. Thanks for the tip and happy weekend!

  29. More to read! Thank you for introducing her to us. Her parties look beautiful with great attention to detail, and glory, I am hungry just looking at all the delicious food!

  30. so nice of you to introduce celia to your devoted readers......very intriguing, off to visit!

  31. Cindy,
    Wow fun post and loved seeing her home. I am going to check out her blog. She is quite the entertainer. Love the lentil salad recipe already!!

  32. You are such a sweetheart to introduce Celia to the blogosphere ~ I'll be checking out her blog.

  33. That's not mostaccioli; it's penne rigate (it has ridges). Mostaccioli has a smooth exterior.


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