Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Fun Stuff …Michael Fogg-Master of Faux Bois

Faux Bois is a French term meaning "false wood" Although the French are credited with giving this art a name, there are examples to be found that far predate the existence of France as a nation. The art of ferrocement faux bois is a combination of steel and concrete: Portland cement mixes are applied to a steel framework, and then sculpted by hand to resemble natural wood..  Only a handful of artists still continue to practice this fabulous art form.
I first spotted Michael Fogg’s work in the David Sutherland showroom at the SFDC.
Artisan: Michael Fogg | Traditional Home
He has achieved a look so natural one has to touch it to feel that it is actually concrete.

The detail of his labors are a feast for the eye

Isn’t this sconce incredible? Wouldn’t you  love to see a couple of these in a beach house?
faux bois sconce.jpg
He  has elevated this simple style
round faux bois mirror a level achieved by no other…

Is it real or is it faux?

medium planter, 1:5:14.jpg
This chair would be most beautiful standing alone, unadorned, as sculpture, don’t you think?

Traditional Home did a wonderful feature on Michael Fogg here
If you would like to see more of Michael Fogg’s wonderful work check out his website here
All photos unless otherwise noted are from Michael Fogg’s website.
Lastly, I am still alive thank you for all your emails. I apologize for the lack of posts.  I had to purchase a new computer.  For starters the geek squad took six days to transfer my old information to my new computer (don’t get me started on that).  That combined with getting used to new formats updated programs….yikes!! Hopefully next week all will be back to normal.
Happy Friday!


  1. We must be on the same wave length I just posted about artisan Susy Ventura this past week and her faux bois pieces, you would love her work too! I love Michael's as well so organic yet would look great in a modern setting too!!

  2. Cindy his work is incredible. I adore the sconces!

    The Arts by Karena

  3. It's astounding how realistic his pieces are! What an amazing artist!

  4. OMG so happy to know you are alive and kicking! I loved that you had the post about my blog up for so long, but I truly was concerned since you typically post on a more regular basis. So sorry to hear about your computer problems.There is nothing worst. By the way, in checking my blog stats you directed almost 900 visitors to my blog! I am so very grateful to you! Welcome back my friend.

  5. Fantastic Cindy, I love to see what people can actually create with their very own hands, simply wonderful. x


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