Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Daughter’s House… Creating a Home with Meaning On A Budget

Mother-daughter relationships can be complex.  Some are best friends. Some fight regularly. Some avoid conflict. Others talk through everything… perhaps too much? Undoubtedly there is a hint of these things in all relationships. My daughter was a bit of a challenge growing up, not because she got into trouble or had trouble in school.  She always knew who she was and wasn’t afraid to take on a challenge.  If that meant making everyone’s life a little miserable in the process so be it. She wasn’t afraid to struggle or work hard for whatever she wanted to achieve.  She never allowed herself to be labeled.  She was friends with the popular kids but wasn’t afraid to befriend the “nerds”.  She was often the one that stood up to protect the little guy and definitely  had no fear of  bullies. She wasn’t afraid to be different or to seek out friends that were different than her even at a young age. She has always had great insight about who her real friends are and has great friends to this day.    I don’t share “personal” things very often on this blog . My son loathes the thought of me ever mentioning him . I am very proud of all she has achieved and was thrilled when she asked me to come up and help them get their house together.

They recently moved to the burbs from their condo in the City and bought their first house. The house was a flipper lacking the architectural details that Jen & Darius prefer. They were hoping to find an older house with character but in their area they come at a high price and require lot's of work. Time is a luxury that neither of them have with their busy careers. Those of you who are regular readers know that I am not a fan of instant décor but prefer a look collected over time.  My daughter (who is not in the design industry but manages  high end commercial properties) created this gallery wall without any help from me of her wedding photos.  The table was an inheritance from my husband’s family.  When I got up there we hit Home Goods and found this great task lamp (score!!) The brass Hookah was from her husband’s family.  All of the other treasures were collected by them.
My daughter and her husband have collected interesting art, flea market finds,and artifacts that have personal meaning to them.  Her husband is half Iranian and inherited a lovely Persian rug (that has about a gazillion thread counts to the inch).  Jen didn’t love the color but they wanted to use it and worked their decor around it.  I bought her the “Cindy” sofa and loveseat from Best Slipcover Company when they first moved into their former condo in the city.  We recently had Best Slipcover make a set of new white slips so they could move them into their new living room.  Their coffee table is a table that we purchased on one of our East Coast buying trips that was once our coffee table.  The rope tray was another Home Goods find.  Everything else (whoops sorry about the empty beer bottle) are things they have collected themselves. The pillows on the sofa were found on Etsy constructed of old kilim rug fragments.

The table below came from their old place and was a cast off from our good friend who redecorates her house on a regular basis (lucky Jen).  We bought the ottomans on and had them covered in old grain sacks (also from their former place).  The map on the wall is an old map of San Francisco that they found and had framed.
This is the “pretty” fireplace that came with the house.  They have plans to do something to improve it at a later date.  Any suggestions? You guys always have great suggestions!
In the meantime Jenna had a picture of  the truck (that was the centerpiece of their wedding ) blown up and transferred to canvas. You can read about that here ,  in case you missed it. Sorry this picture is so terrible.
Her antique hutch table was my husband’s parents dining table.  The Mainly Baskets chairs were another castoff from our friend.  The cushions were made by the amazing Katie Baker of Katie Baker Slipcovers out of old grain sack fabric.   The vintage fish prints Darius had collected before they were married.  The mirror on the wall was something I purchased for our lake house and didn’t work out. The chandelier was an inexpensive fix.  The burlap shade is from World Market.
Her family room is still a work in progress. The gorgeous Brazilian coffee table was another score from our good friend.  The new sofas are from Best Slipcover.  They still wear the old pillows from their former condo. The floor lamp was a castoff from us. 

The table in the corner was something from our garage (we have a lot of treasures in our garage).  The lamp in the corner is from Pottery Barn.  The shade was handmade in Mexico and sourced from our closet.  The books are from Darius’s amazing collection of vintage books.  The bottle is from Home Goods.
We live in a fast paced acquisition driven world.  I am glad that Jenna & Darius did not fall under the spell of the instant décor/ big box look.  Instead they have put together an assemblage of things that have special meaning to them in a stylish way. Sure they have picked up things at the usual places, but the majority of their things have been sourced from flea markets and salvage yards, and brought back from their travels. These are the things that give a home a heart.
I will post more pics of the rest of the house in another post.  In the meantime if you are looking for more inspiration stop by Linda’s blog  It is time for the One Room Challenge.
the orc


  1. What a nice home. Yes, collected is so much better than buying it all from a big box store. They have quite a variety already and many more years to add to it.

  2. You should be proud of them with this decorating. It's young, it's hip and it's their style. What's not to love?

    1. I passed on your comment to my daughter Marsh...she loved it!

    2. That is what I love about you appreciate others and their are the best!!!

  3. Oh yes, yes Cindy, i coule trulli so move in. I havé béen feeling the the native américain vibe with the use of pillows like your daughters, as well as wanting to blen that pattern on a muted area rug with soft faded neutrals.
    It's a really pure home, spiritually well placed, authentic in so many ways, and it's airy richness is so mature at the same time youthful. She really has a home to love, older or newer.

    Thank you dear for taking the time to visit, and your words add value to my days.

    Job in the mom department well done! :)

  4. They have some great pieces. Love that task lamp! And I love that they are not falling prey to the "get everything today" message in our society. Their home already shows a great collection of items that reflect them - not trends. I know this will be fun! (Working with daughters is always interesting to say the least!)

  5. It's a lovely home with character and personality.

    1. You need to come by an give your expert advice some day as well!!!

  6. Your daughter sounds like mine... wonderful soul and you are so lucky to be her mom. Have a great time with their home and fun in the process! xo Nancy

    1. Nancy you are so lucky to work with your daughter side by side!! I always hear a little bit of mydaughter in Bethany's posts!! We are so lucky to be their moms

  7. Cindy I agree with you, their home already has a lovely collected look, they have some very fine items, and especially they have YOU!

    The Arts by Karena

  8. I think their home is warm and inviting: and she looks beautiful in her gorgeous dress! Have you thought about a rough-hewn mantle? No matter what they choose, I am sure they will be very happy! Great job mom! All the best, Rié

    1. Yes we have thought of that! My husband still has a few old beams left from a job. Maybe the stone would look more "natural' with an old beam! Keep those ideas coming!!

  9. Really nice place. It looks like it was decorated and pulled together over time and that's because of such great eclectic pieces. I recognize the brass piece on the desk as I have one too. It is called a samovar and was used to make tea. Mine has a small brass tea pot that sits on top and the whole thing sits on a brass tray. Again, a great job was done making this place look great in such a short period of time.

    1. Hi Patti
      She has the teapot as well we just took it off for the picture. I will tell her what it is called!!

  10. What a lovely, eclectic home. Both my sons' homes are filled with furniture inherited from my parents and grandparents (mid-century modern) along with newer items they have chosen over time. Elements collected over time give a home personality in a way "rooms to go" can never do. Congratulations to all of you for contributing to a warm and inviting home that is chock full of personality.

  11. I love her style...she took after you...she has great taste!

  12. Such a great space for the newlywed! You added some beautiful touches!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  13. Oh my! Your daughter's home is certainly delightful. I can't believe everything was achieved under budget. It's just a testament of how creative and resourceful the couple must be. I love the touches of rustic and earthen color in the decor. Thank you for sharing those lovely pictures! I hope everyone in your family is in the best of health this season.

    Willard Evans @ Wow Homes

    1. Thank you so much Willard!! Jen & Darius will appreciate it!!

  14. Just lovely--the home and the couple!

  15. I read this yesterday and the only thing I could focus on was your description of your daughter. Wow. What a strong, kind, exceptional woman you've raised. I agree that mother-daughter relationships are complex, and I'm loving that line about "making other's lives a little miserable" fact, my own mother could say the same about me hahaha..Honestly, this is why you're so special in my book Cindy. You're so darn real!
    Oh and their home looks like it's on it's way to being uniquely them. Looks warm and smart and a little hip.

  16. Hi Cindy!
    I am so late to comment on this post! I have been here twice before from home and at work!
    I believe that the truest definition of "eclectic" is in the life stage of first marrieds! I think this post brings back memories for all of us. Jen and Darius have collected some amazing pieces. Their home is a lovely reflection of two fascinating , hard working, and sentimental individuals!
    You are amazing!
    It's like the show chopped, where they want you to create magic with unique foods.
    You have a fish print, an old truck, a Persian rug, and two grain sacks...go for it!
    You and Jen have created their signature winning dish!

    1. I forwarded your comment to Jen...she will so appreciate it!!

  17. A beautiful couple! A beautiful home - very warm!! You all have done a great job, Cindy. It's stylish, organic, a bit eclectic, comfy, casual and current!! Thanks to you and them for sharing! xo

  18. What a wonderfully comfortable place for your daughter to call home Cindy. The most important thing of all is to give a house a narrative and a heart. I get such warm positive feelings from home they are creating. Top marks. :)

  19. im in love with those dining chairs!!!!!!

    1. Lucy they are Mainly Baskets and are still in the lineup!! I zhushed the color a bit however.

  20. your garage cindy sounds like my barn! bravo to your beautiful daughter and son-in-law. the collected look versus the oh so easy big box mass market look. one can read their individuality instantly. guessing they leafed from a master!

  21. Love it , very welcoming and relaxed with an eclectic twist!


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