Monday, June 16, 2014

Father’s Day Brunch

We had a delicious brunch with some of our closest friends and fathers on Sunday.  Saturday it was in the 80’s and absolutely beautiful but low and behold Sunday we had our “June gloom”.  The fog didn’t clear until about 10 and it was a little windy and brisk.  A few of us braved the patio.
The rest of the group dined inside.  I have the most beautiful hydrangeas right now.
I tried some new brunch items that I would like to share with you.  I don’t know if any of you have the latest Sara Foster Cookbook, Sara Foster’s Casual Cooking.  The girls and I love all of her cookbooks and my son and daughter in law purchased this one for me for Mother’s Day.
Casual Cooking
For the egg entree we prepared her individual prosciutto, spinach and egg pies.  Many of her egg “strata's from her other cookbooks have become standards for us so we gave this one a shot. Here is the recipe:
Olive Oil for greasing muffin tins                                       1 oz cheddar cheese
6 thin slices prosciutto                                                      12 grape tomatoes
6 large eggs c loosely packed spinach roughly chopped    Sea Salt & freshly ground pepper
I made the following additions: dash of red pepper flakes, fontina cheese instead of cheddar and doubled the amount.  If I were making again I would add fresh basil or oregano. If you can’t find the full recipe email me and I will be happy to email it to you.
Here they are ready to go into the oven with Jenna torturing poor Beau
Along with that we served crab stuffed avocados and a melon ball salad with blueberries in a lime, honey, mint dressing,
and an Asparagus Salad with lemon and shaved Parmesan…
… from this cookbook which I love.  If you don’t have this and you are a salad freak like me,  I would highly recommend it.

We always grill our asparagus because we love the depth of flavor it adds and I always add the zest of the lemons as well, along with using my favorite lemon olive oil that I get in Paso here  I belong to their olive oil club and absolutely love getting their shipments.  All of their olive oils are great but their citrus infused ones are my personal favoritesEvery time I make a salad that someone raves about, invariably I have used one of their citrus olive oils.

We also served one of  our standbys Grilled Aidell’s Apple Chicken Sausages
Our wonderful friends Bill and Pat (the artist I have featured many times) brought (can you believe it?) homemade butter with crusty Italian bread.
 Guess what everyone went ape over? She also made a fabulous dessert with fresh strawberrries, homemade whipped cream (from the same small slo dairy). We all gathered around the fire and enjoyed dessert and more wine of course! Sorry I forgot to take a picture!
What did you all do for Father’s Day?  I would love to hear about your celebrations.


  1. How amazing is that spread?!! My mouth is watering just reading your post - looks like the perfect Father's Day!

  2. What a delicious spread Cindy!!!! Looks like it was catered by professionals, everything looks so delectable, I certainly am itching to try the olive oil right now and check out that cookbook! We went boating with some friends and ate there then had dinner at our favorite chinese restaurant. :-)

  3. Hi Cindy, Lucky you having such a gorgeous day! It was a bit cool and rainy here in Seattle .. but that didn't stop us from having a BBQ in the evening:) Your brunch looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the cookbooks! xxleslie

  4. Man, everything looks delicious! Pass those avocados, please.

  5. WOW…what a wonderful meal - love asparagus salad and must try the cookbook!!

  6. Hi Cindy,

    Everything looks incredibly yummy!!!
    What a delicious feast you prepared!
    Thank you so much for your comment about our son graduating.
    We are getting ready to send him off to NY on July 1st.!
    So much to do, so little time!
    Would love to meet up or have you and MaryAnn over the next time you are in the Bay Area!
    You two look like you are always having a good time:)

    1. Terry I would love to have you Maryann & Delores down for lunch someday. I will get in contact with you after the fourth!!!

  7. This looks soooo good! I would have been in tastebud heaven! I have two of Sara Foster's cookbooks - but not the casual cooking one, and I met her in one of her NC restaurants. (She is so tiny!) Her recipe for roasted new potato salad is wonderful, and her Foster's salsa is addictive. Your food, flowers, and table setting were all just beautiful!

  8. My mouth is WATERING. I want that cookbook. Going to do some pinning here. :)

  9. Hey, just saw Terry's comment above…love that girl!

  10. Brunch please, it all looks amazing! I would love to have that recipe. We stopped by her place while visiting collages. It was delicious.
    xo, lissy


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