Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuscan Style….they came, they styled…they photographed….


Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile know that we have been doing a bit of work around the old homestead of 26 years. Our home was featured on HGTV many moons ago but has not gotten any national press for many years.   Last fall our home was selected to be photographed for Tuscan Style so we knew some updates were in order!

It is kind of ironic that our little kitchen came out in Kitchen and Bath makeovers just as the dynamic team of Bonnie Broten and John Granen rolled into town to photograph our own home for Tuscan Style. Good things all come at once I guess! It was a grueling two days of photographing for Bonnie and John and their humble assistant Beau.


Somehow he didn’t photo bomb a single shot which was a miracle in itself.


Note John did keep everything securely packed in their appropriate places lest Beau decide to play fetch with any of his equipment.


It was such a pleasure to once again get the opportunity to watch John and Bonnie work together to create such stunning images.It was also wonderful to have so many beautiful flowers around before and after the shoot.  These stunning peonies went from this…


to this


to this


Sadly we were unable to use them as they were too “garish” for my room decor before they morphed into this.  Once they evolved into this lush salmon color they would have been beautiful!  If you follow me on instagram (I am trying to be better about that too) you may have already seen these beauties.

A word to the wise for anyone who has a blog that is interested in getting published.  Most all of the shelter magazines now are looking for “fresh” material.  If they have seen a project, or your own home all over your blog/and or Pinterest or Houzz they feel it has been overexposed.  Bonnie received a long email from the “big boys and girls” while at our home and asked me to pass this information on to you all.  There is nothing wrong with sneak peeks but keep the “peeks” to a minimum if you are hoping for publication.

We can’t wait to see the final product as this home has been much more than a “house” to my family. There has been a lot of blood sweat and tears put into it over the years. Our children grew up here, riding horses, swimming in the pool, riding go carts and working on the house and garden.  We are hoping to downsize sometime in the not too distant future so having these pictures taken by “the best” John Granen is a present in itself. Cross your fingers it will be published sometime before we all go gray (whoops too late for me!) I will keep you posted.


Bonnie and I after the shoot was over on our front stoop. Thanks for putting up with all the magazine chatter the last few weeks.  I am hoping to get back into a regular pattern and post more often again.  Thanks for hanging in there! You guys are the best!!


  1. OMG Cindy! I am so excited and I can't wait to get a copy! I can't help but feel guilty about "overexposure" since my dream is to get a room in my home published someday, but I don't know if any of it deserves it at all, so might as well share it now (my thought at least). Anyhow, I have 1 small room that will be published too in July, so it's a start. This is truly wonderful news and just so happy for you dear!

  2. I can't wait to see it in the magazine, Cindy. You look so pretty. It truly has been a home to you.

  3. Definitely let us know when the magazine comes out - can't wait to see your feature!

  4. Congratulations on the featured shoot! I know it will be great to see it in print (for all of us!) You are more than deserving of being featured in a magazine. Now go rest! Grueling is certainly the right word for it.

  5. Congrats Cindy.....can't wait to see it published!

  6. Cindy I am so excited to see the article, everything looks fabulous though! Congrats!

    The Arts by Karena

  7. Can't wait to see your beautiful home. The outside is just as stunning as the inside. I wish my dogs were as good as Beau!!

    1. Jennifer
      Beau is now three...he still eats socks, rags, and other unmentionables! He finally has settled down a little bit and behaves at times! If your dogs are wild and crazy they are Beau's kind of pals!!

  8. I hope some shots of the outside of your home make it to print as well. love the sneak peeks but need to see more :) i'll definitely be buying a copy when it comes out. :)

    1. Nancy over half of the pictures were outside, which meant we had to do some quick sprucing!!

  9. I know how much work all this is so now that it's done, I hope you have a few minutes to sit down and enjoy the summer.

  10. Congratulations, my friend!! I hope they included a few shots of your gorgeous gardens. I can't wait for the issue. And Bonnie is the best!!

  11. As a landscape enthusiast I am always searching for unusual European garden ornaments. One of my trips led me to the country side of Italy where I fell in love with the natural feel of its gardens. I came back to the US and was trying to find a company which would offer me the same sensation as I had experienced Tuscany. A friend told me about Authentic Provence, the moment I stepped into their showroom I was taken aback in awe. Their exquisite collection of French and Italian antiques were exactly what I was looking for to complement my garden. Now my garden is the show piece, through Authentic Provence's unique garden ornaments. I am now encompassed by the true Tuscan lifestyle. Visit them at and you will find what you are seeking.

  12. You must be so very proud of all your hard work. Congratulations!

  13. Cindy! Your home is gorgeous and I am so excited to pick up a copy of the magazine! Congratulations to you:):)


    1. I consider that a compliment of the highest degree from you Leslie!!!

  14. Very exciting, and great tips- your clients are so lucky to have you! xo Nancy

  15. So exciting Cindy...I'm going to have to get the magazine...your home and garden is so beautiful...

  16. Stunning glimpses of your home already. So looking forward to the issue coming out. : )


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