Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Wisdom of Black and White

We just recently painted the walls in our Spanish colonial white and the windows an almost black.  Although it took me a while to get used to it I feel completely liberated now.
The combination of black and white is timeless,
Darryl Carter
daryl carter
Love the black pillows
and classic….

dark oil, grey, white mouldings and Armadillo rug
white tile + black fixtures #sidesmilehome
It can be dramatic,
Great black and white art.
Casa Vogue Melhor ter uma casa a ficar em um hotel 4
casa vogue
…and the combination at times can be exotic…
[royal bungalow]
I would like to live here please.
and/ or glamorous
Black Lacquered Chest
Casa Vogue
….but playful at the same time.
layers | black and white | Living room.......
 guest room
The tension between the two colors is always exciting
A black bedroom.
Wouldn't mind curling up in this chair with a stack of fashion books! #stripes #chair #books #blackandwhite
Black grounds a space, and white opens it up.
this black & white looks simple and clean
Personally too much drama is not my style.  I prefer the quieter path taken by Daryl Carter in his Virginia farmhouse.
Texture is always important where color is lacking…

It takes the edge off the tension between the two colors…
a little bit of bliss
image source unknown
How do you feel about black and white? Do you prefer a more dramatic approach or a softer, kinder one?


  1. I've always used black and white and one other color in my living room...I love it. In spite of all the blue trends...which I use elsewhere in the house, black and white always feels right. Great photos!!!

  2. There are some stunning examples here showing how to use black and white to great effect. For me though, I prefer it with a wall color that has some warmth to it, like the one illustrated in the last photo -- more of a putty. Of course, you can't go wrong with an iconic photo of Holly Golightly on the wall.

  3. Your new chair looks perfect in your room. I think you made the right choice leaving the original fabric on the cushions. The room is beautiful from every angle!

  4. I love black and white when it's tempered with wood tones. The to Darryl Carter image is my favorite of the group ...but Darryl can do no wrong.

  5. I cannot wait to see the big reveal. I would definitely consider using black on my window trim except that it is vinyl from the replacement windows I had installed in my 85 year old house. I like the Darryl Carter pics the best. There is nothing plain about his style.

  6. You're preaching to the choir on this one - love, love black and white!

  7. Love it Cindy. It certainly adds a little drama and you DO need a liitle drama in your life. I am loving the Casa Vogue glamour girl! x


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