Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Fun Stuff…Pinterest, Pretty Pink Tulips, and Pink in the Garden

I started reading Carla Aston’s Blog   after following her on Pinterest and finding this list.  I realized immediately that we were kindred souls/aka pinterest addicts .She already had many of the pinners I follow on her list but some new ones that I was delighted to find.  If you love Pinterest and Interior Design you will love this list.  To say that I was honored and humbled to be included in her latest list is an understatement!  I have to say I got a kick out of Carla’s description of me as a “mature woman”…how did that happen?!!! I guess you let your hair go gray and it is all over!! If you don’t follow me on Pinterest please do!
Cindy Hattersley
To get all her previous lists go here

I would love to have breakfast with Elizabeth on her lovely patio wouldn't you? Stop by her blog for more shots of her gorgeous patio and tons of eye candy here 

via Pretty Pink Tulips
Whenever I try to take shots of my garden Beau always manages to get in the picture…

This old wagon filled with lavendar, ivy, geraniums and impatience is at it’s peak right now

The last of the hydrangeas in bloom
and on the table….
What’s blooming in your garden right now and what do you have planned for the weekend?  A lovely alfresco breakfast like Elizabeth? We are heading to the lake with the Beau Man, and you know what he will be doing there!
Have a Great Weekend!!
P.S I am trying to get better about Instagram so follow along!


  1. I love your posts and the pictures are like candy to me. I'm glad to hear you are not just leaving. So much would be missed! I check back monthly for great french goodies, and love everything about your posts. Do what makes you feel good. I for one love everything you post!
    Best Decoration Style on Miniature Garden

  2. Compact, yet gorgeous. Loving the blue flagstone patio.

  3. We have all enjoyed seeing your projects published . When may I ask will someone publish this beautiful garden?

  4. Aw. Beau looks so sweet Cindy...
    Also thanks for the info on Carla, I just stopped by her blog and read a great post on wood flooring. I wish she lived in Southern California...I could really use her input. I'm enjoying your Friday posts!

  5. Beau really enhances the garden! He has a good name for his looks. I had to buy hydrangeas at Trader Joe's.
    Have a fun weekend! And of course I follow you on Pinterest! You ARE the master pinner.

  6. Beau is so handsome! I love your gardens and the patio at beautifully staged. Have a great weekend. xo Nancy

  7. Ah ... I love that Beau wants to be included! Your garden is glorious ... I am working on ours! Will make certain I am following you in Pinterest!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Thanks for the shout out. Your dog is as gorgeous as your garden! Both picture perfect. See you on Pinterest!

  9. So glad you posted this because I hadn't realized that I wasn't following you on Pinterest. I do now along with Carla - she's new to me but has a great sense of style. Enjoy your weekend at the lake!

    1. Thanks Kris for reminding me as well... I thought I was following you too...I fixed that!!

  10. What wonderful pictures of Beau! oh, I mean of gardening, too :) The window box is fabulous as is the beautiful color of the hydrangea. We keep telling Cody that he has web feet and can swim quite well, IF he would try it. But he is not a water pup. The Lab half didn't come through in that respect. He does like sunning himself by the pool though. Hope you and Beau have a great time at the lake.

    1. Donna

      Thank you so much for dropping by! That Cody is one cute pup too!! I will pass the comments along to Beau!! What would we do without our dogs!!

  11. A lovely post Cindy, isn't Elizabeth the best, she is so tasteful and has such panache!
    Enjoy the weekend!

    The Arts by Karena

  12. Hi Cindy! Your lavender and geranium filled wagon is so pretty and your hydrangea is stunning! Beau is the cutest ever and I can tell he is enjoys a cool swim in the lake. Our pup is the same way .. summer is heaven to them:) I am missing out on entertaining and gardening as the house building continues. Things are running on schedule so far and we are passing inspections. I am hopping the progress moves quickly and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.. Enjoy your weekend! xxleslie

  13. Thank you Cindy, for taking the time to joy my day with your grace and beauty.
    Your comment on my site really placed a smile on my face with you leaving "where have I been"
    Your place here never let's you down, there is always inspiration to be had, and designs to relish in.
    Love your wagon filled with lushness, and your luncheon with Elizabeth sounds and looks divinely inviting, I too would love an invite.
    The lake shot looks so refreshing and your dog is so enjoying it.
    I am now following you and will be keeping up with your designs, the home in Lake Tahoe is going to have its mark in designs, your vision will capture its best side.

    Thank you for the beauty you add to blogging.

    See you soon.


  14. Thank you Cindy for taking the Time to contact me.
    I too am going to so enjoy! ( Lové) getting to know my new blooming friend. I also have added you to my blog roll of inspiration. You are now on my side bar, so glad you found me so I could then find you.
    Off to visit some of your older postings.

    Beauty and inspiration throughout July.


  15. I think the Beau man has the right idea, a nice cool down in the Lake, sounds like fun. The PPT patio looks like a beautiful place to start the day doesn't it. Have a great weekend Cindy.
    Paul x

  16. Beau is looking very handsome! What a lucky boy to enjoy such a beautiful garden. And, yes, Elizabeth and Carla are wonderful and very talented!! Cheers

  17. Your garden looks really very charming, Cindy! Including Monsieur Beau!
    Lovely images, some of like in a country cottage garden. And your Hydrangeas....superb.
    I'll join you at Elizabeth's breakfast "virtually" :)
    Sunny greetings from the Périgord,

    Sorry for long absence....lots of guests here since months, full life....

  18. I think Beau enhances the garden view, such a darling dog in a beautiful garden.


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