Monday, July 21, 2014

Artist Spotlight...Karena Albert

There is a lovely lady out in blog land that is a great proponent of the arts, and interior design. Karena is a native of Kansas City and a member of the Kansas City Arts Coalition. She studied art at Johnson County Community College, and the University of California San Diego.  Karena is the embodiment of altruism.  I have never met Karena personally but have always been struck by her generous spirit.  I pop by her blog now and then but for some reason never took the time to REALLY explore her lovely work.  I thought I would do a post about her art since it struck a chord with me.  I also thought all of us wouldlove to know more about this wonderful person who supports so many others.

Here is my interview with Karena:
What is your background?
Although I spent many years in Real Estate, both here in Kansas City and in San Diego, I have always had a love of the arts; going to the theatre, the symphony, ballet, museums, designer show house tours, art openings and more. I have also been a Gallery Director and Marketing Director for another gallery.
Did you always want to be an artist?
It was not until my late husband died that I needed a new way to express myself and so I started taking classes at UCSD in San Diego. When I came back home to Kansas City I also studied with a variety of artists and art professors, going to a studio called Artichokes. It is closed now and I really miss the camaraderie of painting with other artists.
What inspires you?
Music, travel, design, fashion, an image, a thought, my family….so much!
What other artists do you admire?
Some would be Mark Rothko, Gerhard Richter, Picasso, Helen Frankenthaler, Marc Chagall, David Hockney, and many more.

What inspired your works? 
A need of self expression, of finding a way to put thoughts/ visions on canvas or paper; to take the ideas floating around in my head and create the image.

Which piece is your favorite?
There is a large one with a moody pink sky, a slash of vibrant yellow across the skyline and then a deep blue sea; it reminds me of a sunset on an endless ocean, then the knowing of a new dawn coming. It can become very easy for an artist to form an attachment to their works!
What would you call your style?
Generally, my most favored is minimalist abstract expressionism, although I have done paintings in many styles. I do love to work in large canvas format with oils the best.
How long have you been painting/drawing/etc? 
Off and on for about 20 years.

What's the best thing about being an artist?
The freedom of expression, the endless ways to use art materials in the way that best suits ones style. Exhibiting and knowing that your works of art are being loved and appreciated in someone’s home or office.
 What's the worst thing about being an artist? 
This is really a personal experience, as I am now on the road back to great health, (or will be after this next surgery) For several years I have been unable to paint as I’d like or to exhibit. That is what led to me using my blog to pay it forward and to support The Arts of all genres.
For other artists, simply because I do know so many, it can be finding your style, your audience, the venues, selling to collectors, and determining if one is able to make a career of being an artist.
What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
Be true to yourself. Learn everything you possibly can, read about art and artists, write down your thoughts. Visit museums and galleries everywhere you go, and then just do it.
Also, in this day and age, you must be a marketer or hire one. Use social media to the fullest extent possible. Go out and meet as many gallery owners, collectors, curators, esteemed professors in the field, and find a mentor.
If  you would like to see what Karena is up to check out her blog here  If you are interested in any of her artwork email her here
Thank you Karena for inviting us into your world! 


All imagesabove are the property of Karena Albert


  1. Cindy thank you so much for this feature on my art! I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. Karena is such a sweet, talented, generous, creative person. I loved this post!

  3. Cindy-
    I thoroughly enjoyed this post! Isn't Karena the most talented artist? Sure a great person too. I read her blog religiously.
    Thank you for sharing her work.

  4. Such a lovely post. Karena is a dear woman and I admire her spirit and love of art. Self expressions is so important. Thanks so much for a lovely post about Karena. From your newest follower, Linda

  5. I love and adore Karena!!
    She truly is a force to reckon with, her art style is authentic and deep. A richness in its story one could only imagin her thoughts with each dipping and each stroke of her brush. I have had the beauty of winning a GiveAway from her site hosting giveaways is a pretty often occurance over at her place, I often think of her as the queen of giveaways.
    She is truly a beautiful soul and when you get to know her you will fall in love with her spirit.

    I love that you have featured Karena, in your spotlight allowing us to see a bit more of her personal side.
    I wish her well in her recovery, and many prayers.
    Blessed to have Karena in our art world.

    Thank you Cindy, for recognizing the beauty in Karena, so much so to take the time to spotlight her.



  6. Very interesting to find out what goes beyond the canvas we see - love how Karena mixed up her colors and the transition from one to the next. Talent is something that is not only natural to her but also overflowing!

  7. Thank you Cindy, on taking notice of my rustic love sign, it is on the cover of Fifi's new book out in December (Prairie Style Weddings) I am so honored to be able to stage my art in the designing of interior designs as well as here In the blog world, and the best honor is to be able to share with all the wonderful bloggers. I am now off to finish up 20 kitchen cabinet doors I have been sanding and priming, and painting away.

    See you soon.



  8. Thank you Cindy for sharing this wonderful interview of Karena, I so enjoyed it! I loved seeing more of her work and finding out a little of her background!

    xo Mary Jo

  9. Gorgeous art....Karena is very talented!

  10. I enjoy her posts too! It's great to read about her in an interview style. Thanks for putting the spotlight on such talent, and exposing more of her beautiful art!

  11. Karena is a talented as she is sweet!! Thanks for featuring her!!

  12. Lovely post about a truly inspirational and creative lady. Thanks for sharing Cindy!

    1. Hi Heather
      Thanks for stopping by! Your trip looked fabulous!!!

  13. What a wonderful post. I knew Karena was involved in the arts but had no idea what a talented artist she is. It's always fun to get to know a fellow blogger a little better. Thank you for giving us an insight to Karena's talents.

    1. Hi Karen

      Thanks for stopping and introducing me to your lovely blog!!

  14. a great post! + congratulations Karena!

    1. Peggy thank you so much for coming by and supporting Karena!

  15. I really enjoyed this post, getting to know a little about Karena!!! Inspiring !

  16. LOVELY......I had no idea she painted either!
    Beautiful POST on a deserving woman!TO GOOD HEALTH........thats all we really need!I wish YOU a speedy recovery.

  17. artist! a painter! How did I not know this about her?
    She has always intrigued me. She holds a kind and generous heart and soul.
    Her fragile health has kept her in my thoughts and prayers.
    Thank you for transitioning your blog into a gallery for her...and for all of us today!
    I'm lost in her pink skies!

    1. Lynne
      Thank you so much for stopping by and supporting Karena. She has a lot of fans out there! Thank you for introducing me to your beautiful blog as well. I loved the Texas Two Step Story!!

  18. Karena has such a wonderful spirit and presence among blogs. She is so sweet and informative and talented.I am so glad you featured her and gave her the props she deserves! I pray for her continued improving health and hope all of her dreams come true. xoxo Nancy

  19. WOW WOW WOW. Karena, like Cindy, I have always been struck first and foremost by your art of living, your giving self....and have never really observed your own art. That pink sky is to die well as the others. I always say that ANYONE, painter or writer, who can capture so much emotion in few words or strokes is genius. Thank you for this gift today! Cindy, thank you for featuring this lovely artist! Anita

  20. Love Karena and her work...and her never ending support of the arts and others!!...She is a true inspiration.

  21. What a great feature! Karena is the nicest most talented person!

  22. Than you for interviewing the amazing, thoughtful Karena. It is great to read a feature about her as she is extremely generous show-casing the talents of others.


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