Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spring in the Garden with Beau and Writers Block

Mr. Beau ready to take you on a tour of the garden….



The always dependable Cecil Bruener rose surrounded by daylilies, catmint and fennel in the herb garden.


The Red Fairy Standard Roses (great performers) with Super Dorothy on the arbor.  Super Dorothy has never been all that super in my garden.  I have two that are probably ten years old and they still do not cover the arbor.  They are pest free however.


Beau is beginning to wear down…


One of my very favorite roses that always produces abundantly in spite of my neglect…Molineux


Catmint, Volunteer Alyssum and Hetrophylla Lavender


Iceberg with a mystery rose on the wall and Eden barely seen behind


Eden, one of the few roses that hasn’t “blown” in this heat


Beau sniffing the Teucrium (germander) another wonderful producer


David Austin’s the Prince in the foreground (the only time all year this rose looks good in my garden), and the antique rose  Reve d’or on the fence.


There’s always time for a little fetch…



The bouganvilla on the pool fence produces these abundant blooms all season long.


Even if you don’t like the taste of fennel it is always a nice addition to the herb garden…whack it back and it rewards over and over…


This is what the Wisteria behind the pool looked like about three weeks ago…


This is what the wisteria looks like now….all the blooms are gone….


Beau is back at his “perch” outside my office window on his favorite table. 

I have tried to come up with some interesting topics to blog about. Unfortunately I am at a loss at the moment.  There are just way to many things going on here.  I hope you will be patient with me.  I promise I will be back! What is blooming in your garden right now?  I would love to hear.


  1. I loved the opportunity to tour your garden today. A long range plan and the results of a lot of work is what it took to achieve all that loveliness. Like Beau, I'm old and tired but still enjoy beauty when I see it. Feel free to show me your garden on your blog just anytime.

    1. Thank you so much! I so appreciate your comment. My garden is not at it's best this year but it never lets me down in spite of my neglect!

  2. This is one of the most DELIGHTFUL posts in blogland...hope you keep having writers block. Your garden is magical. And Beau is a handsome guy. We had a yellow lab. Such good dogs. Bring him to dinner. Chief will drive him crazy with his puppy energy. I made a fresh "slaw" with fennel and snow peas last night. It's cooler with the fog rolling in today...and so far we are above the fog! Have a great weekend.

  3. Hi Cindy I am just astounded by the beauty of your gardens! Gorgeous beyond and Beau, what a great dog!! Love this post!

    The Arts by Karena

    1. Karena I consider that the ultimate complement coming from an artist!! Have a great weekend!

  4. You don't need to write much Cindy, your garden speaks it all - just beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us!

  5. Vel that is one of the nicest comments I have ever received! You are a peach!

  6. I have only ever seen one other dog that could drive Beau crazy...he never wears out!! Beau would love to play with Chief! That slaw sounds heavenly...I love fennel...share the recipe!!

  7. We're easy to please. Just give us some pretty pictures and we're happy for a while. Your garden is amazing!

  8. Your garden is so inspirational! Not to mention the view!!! My favorite is them dog on your table. Lol what would we do without them? I'm spending my entire weekend in the garden so this was the dose of motivation that I needed.
    A pictures worth a 1,000 words...

    1. Would you come and work in my garden too Sharon...all that bloom is in need of major dead heading!

  9. Oh Cindy, this was just beyond envious you are enjoying all the beautiful flowering going is still very cold here, and I may just have given up on Spring in the the north east..I am really south eastern Ontario, you would never know it by the temps! Your roses look beautiful, lush and abundant..they must be very happy..and that wisteria..really I could be looking at a garden in France or England...and Beau, well he is just the most handsome guy...I now about being busy too, but sometimes you just need to stop, and savour what is right there in front of you, N.xo

  10. Beau is a great pal....the garden is so has not received the usual TLC that it normally gets...

  11. Cindy, Thank you for showing your lovely garden. It is amazing, and the views. You have a gift that many of us wish we could have. Blessings for a sweet weekend. Kim

  12. Your garden is fabulous, Cindy. I love all the structures you have for climbing roses and wisteria. They add so much dimension to a garden...and, of course, the mountains in the background add the perfect touch. You inspire me to find some spots in my garden for trellises and pergolas. Thank you so much for brightening this rainy day.
    XO, Victoria

    1. Thank you Victoria....structure in the garden is so important I agree...and thank you for always supporting my blog!!

  13. Cindy!!!! Your garden is incredible. I love it so much. I would like to plant an Eden rose so I was happy to see in in your yard! Hope you are staying cool inside....We must get Millie and Beau to "sniff" together someday
    ; o ))))
    xo kelley

  14. I am dying here, I felt like I came face to face with my late dog Hogan.. ps he was and will always be may favorite but dont tell my other dogs that! THat dog matches that gorgeous landscape.. all beautiful!!

    1. I would love to do another blog post about bloggers dogs...would love to include yours!

  15. We are going into winter soon so my garden is not looking it's best. Yours, however, is just gorgeous. I am bookmarking this post for some spring inspiration in a few months time. xx Sharon

  16. The Eden rose is one of my favorites...your garden is beautiful....I'm going through the same thing...writers block is the pits!

  17. Such a stunning garden and the view is spectacular - you must love it! And could Beau be any cuter??

  18. Pure bliss! Your garden is so beautiful and romantic. I wish I could grow roses like you can in California. With our intense humidity, they always get mildew, black spots and all sorts of problems. BTW, I had to replace all of my lavender with catmint. We had a devasting winter which killed all of the rosemary and lavender shrubs. Thanks for the tour, Cindy and Beau. Cheers! Loi

  19. Cindy, what a wonderful post ~ two of my favorite things, garden tours and dogs! :) Your garden couldn't be more stunning, it's inspired me to start some roses on a trellis this year! Thank you for sharing it with us!


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