Monday, June 18, 2012

Consoles with Character

A Console can be statement piece that sets the tone in an entry. It might even reveal a little bit about the personality of the owner. It is a great place to display small collections of things.  A console table in a dining room is a natural fit.  It can  provide extra serving space for large gatherings.  When styling a console be sure to  keep in mind, the balance, structure, texture and scale of the items you want to display.

Symmetrical arrangements tend to look more classic and orderly.  They are usually created with pairs of things, ie candlesticks, lamps etc., ottomans etc.  The artwork is usually hung in a balanced fashion as well. 



In this picture of the foyer, you can see the iron railing on the gracefully curved staircase.  Antique trumeau and candlesticks sit on a French console.

via cote de texas


beautiful  eleanor cummings

Eleanor Cummings



phoebe howard


PIne cones in a basket by Charles Faudree

charles faudree

devine nathan turner<br />love the fireboard

nathan turner


Asymmetrical arrangements can be a little trickier for the amateur, or anyone else for that matter. They usually begin with something tall on one side next to some randomly placed objects. Repetition of one or more of the objects can help unify the look.


I love how the cat is perfectly placed in this vignette….the balance would be off without the cat!

I wonder how long it took to get the photo?

images via Jean Allsopp  console tobacco basket

via Jean Allsop


I think console tables,  look best when they have something tucked below to ground or connect them to the floor .


barry dixon

Barry Dixon


home of Amy Howard via cote de texas

amy howard via cote de texas


nicely styled  clever

pub 1 emagazine


ginger barber

Dan Marty, Maison au Naturel, Los Angeles

dan marty


shannon bowers

Skirted console, plant, like

image source unknown

A console table is a great place to showcase  small collections as in this instance below.  I am completely smitten with this whole arrangement.  Love the lamp made from a found object, the small collection of pottery and of course the small bouquet.  I love the different textures and the contrast of the black and white.



via Braebourne Farm



So pretty stone home near San Francisco. RJ Dailey Construction Co.

rj daily construction

Notice the symmetrical placement of the chairs and prints, but an asymmetrical arrangement on the console creates interest.




via Color Outside the Lines

 Simple, organic lovliness below.

architect Stan Dixon's office from Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles

stan dixon


Now..let’s play a game….

If a console table is an opening statement that tells us something about the owner of the house….Which one would you like to meet and why? Don’t pay attention to who designed it pretend you don’t know…

dan marty, rj daily construction


  1. Love games! No question for me Cindy...Nathan Turner's table got the ooh and ahh from me. Mostly for the fantastic wall hanging and the books. You also have just complicated my life tremendously. I have that table, a long French dining table (made in Australia) and thought I would ship it into storage in Australia as I only have room for one dining table in Vietnam. But... now I see that against a wall, with books, a few lamps and possibly a Vietnamese wall hanging...I could do this. I just have to decide what I will trade as the container is full as it is... :)

    Second place...the photo with the dog and the cat...such a great shot and I love that basket!

    This was fun... more please. :)

    Jeanne xx

    1. Yes that wall hanging! I am wondering if it was a fire screen...very rhufus porter like...I can't imagine how hard it is knowing what to store and what to take...especially when moving to an entirely different climate!

  2. Cindy - Hi! I love consoles, especially antique ones. They are so versatile and can go in any room. When styling them, I prefer symmetry (more or less). It's a bit safe, but pleasing to the eye. I'd want to meet all the homeowners and designers above, as I find the pieces in the photos so interesting.

    1. I usually take the safe route as well Loi...but I do appreciate the challenge of the asymmetrical arrangements!

  3. I love the Shannon Bowers console. :)

  4. I loved so many of these. The one with the greek key fabric cover inspired me. I have a connsole in our garage right now that I was ready to donate. It is scratched on top and not of great quality, plus I haven't found the perfect spot for it. I think I'll hold on to it now - perhaps I'll find the right spot and then get a cover made to use it in a whole new way - thanks Cindy!

  5. Patricia

    I like everything Shannon Bowers does! That is just lovely I agree!

  6. Barbara
    I like the greek key as well...I am not a big fan of big skirted tables but I really like that tailored one...the collection on top helps as well!

  7. I completely love the console in the first photo. It looks like it would tell the most fabulous old stories if only it could talk. I also like the one in the Amy Howard photo because its so chic and pretty.

    I have a console table in my house that I eyed in an antique store for about 18 months. I thought I had nowhere to put it, but when the store closed and the price fell by well over half, I suddenly knew just where it would go!

    Thanks for your visit to my place the other day! I appreciate your kind comment.

    Talk to you again soon!

  8. What a gorgeous post - I do so love a console. Whether light or dark, solid or open, there always seems to be a perfect spot for one...adore the one with the black leather books...don't know which I love more, the books or the console...fabulous!!

    1. I ask myself that very same thing...I think it isn't that the console is so is what is in it!

  9. How is the best way to hang a tobacco basket without doing any damage to the basket?



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