Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Fun Stuff

I am a little late to the party on this one but I loved Kelley (Polished Pebble's) post, Modern Country, A Style Evolution here. Kelley doesn't post that often anymore but whenever she does it is well worth the wait. She disects her own designs and explains how her style has evolved.  I loved this post.


Have you read Kristy Woodson Harvey's new book?

If you love tales about Southern Women and their secrets and little white lies, you will love it!!
And...guess what if you preorder you have a chance for a $1,000.00 Design Chic gift certificate! How fun is that?

If you are looking for some classic spring fashion finds and a hilarious dose of pity check out Shari's post here

I had promised you a Friday Flea.  I swear it will be soon!  My problem is I take care of my mom every Thursday and I have too much on my plate right now.  I will surprise you one of these Fridays!  If you follow me on Instagram you saw this shot of the last of my Wisteria on our little barn.  Happy Weekend! We are going to be inside painting Farmer's Union!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OOPS... typo in the last comment. Love your fun stuff, Cindy. The Keds are adorable and I adored Kristy's novel. Your Mom is lucky to have a caring daughter like you. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Cindy.

  3. Love your little barn, especially with the blooming wisteria. So pretty and happy. I loved Kelley's appraisal of her decor and how her style has evolved. I guess it happens to all of us one way or another.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Your barn Cindy speaks to me!
    Love the cupola on top and the wisteria is divinely beautiful.
    Oh to walk in your shoes through your home daily. Or no shoes?
    Love all the beauty you create and the way you live it.

    Take care, and by the way Keds have come along way since we were kids.


  5. Hi Cindy! I've been meaning to stop by and tell you how much I enjoyed your recent post on decorating--I could really relate to that pull towards "classic" style picks when it comes to this house .... I enjoy seeing all the trends, but I no longer have desire to follow the latest looks. How is your Mom doing? Don't worry about your blogging schedule you have so many fans- like me--that are simply happy whenever you post!
    Your barn looks so charming with the wisteria...
    Have a great weekend
    PS I found Kelleys post fascinating!

    1. Hi Leslie thanks for your kind comments! I LOVED Kelley's post as well. Whenever I go to either your blog or hers I know I will be inspired!!

  6. Thank you so much for including me in this post Cindy. I hope I can post a bit more this summer. I agree that time is the big issue for most of us. Your my favorite read when I make it over to my blog roll and somehow you manage to get something down on paper so I really have no excuses . BTW your wisteria is to DIE FOR. Let me know your secret so I can plant one somewhere, xo Kelley : )

  7. I loved Kelley's post, too. And you are so good at keeping things fresh but not too trendy, too! Your mom is lucky to have your dedication!

  8. You are a good daughter and your mother is lucky to have you! I love those blogs too, K

  9. So much fun here.
    I am loving Kristy's book, and the shoes. You already now I love the barn. I will definitely visit Kelly's blog.
    Happy Wednesday.


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