Thursday, May 14, 2015

Over 55 Décor

Currently I have several new clients who are my vintage “over 55”.  Age, experience, confidence and financial factors, have brought them to where they are.  Most are confident about their decisions and happy with their stage in life.
love this look
I am finding there are many common threads. They wish to update their homes so their décor doesn’t shout “old people live here”. They in turn want their home to be current without nodding to a particular era or trend.
TOM SCHEERER | Mark D. Sikes: Chic People, Glamorous Places, Stylish Things
Tom Scheerer
Many have assembled good pieces that will continue to make up the fabric of their homes for the rest of their lives. 
Loi Thai's lovely home
Loi Thai
They are able to travel  and want to display the treasures they have collected on their travels. 
Nina Griscom's Elegant Manhattan Apartment. Architectural Digest Feb. 2012. Photography Eric Piasecki.

Beautiful palette: Camel, black, and white.

Most have the means to collect “real art” and want to incorporate it into the design of their homes.

They are tired of too much pattern.  They have  “been there and done that”.
Many have large homes and are thinking of downsizing.

Cala Woods Residence and Studio farmhouse-exterior

Punch Up the Porch - Large planters filled with ferns extend a warm welcome while echoing the greens found within the landscape. Black-and-white-stripe paper lanterns bring modern appeal to this charming farmhouse.
via coastal living
If they plan to stay in their current home they want it to be saleable should they decide to sell.

Isabelle Lopez-Quesada

They want the décor simplified, they don’t want a lot of clutter, and they want to keep their accessories to a minimum.
Wonderful #desk! | the Polished Pebble: Designers that Inspire: Nancy Fishelson
image source unknown
I am sure you are thinking…so what does one do? Style is not eternal (contrary to what my husband thinks).  For someone who likes color this room is infused with a jolt of chartreuse while everything else is kept simple, a grown up version without looking granny.
Add pattern and color in small doses, texture is your best friend…
Cullman & Kravis
Kulman & Kravis

Timothy Whealon
Timothy Whealon via song of
One of the single most challenges of my job is to gently encourage clients to assemble an "undecorated", and timeless look , while not forgetting the reasons they called me in the first place! Has your decorating style aged with you?  I would love to hear about it.


  1. What I have noticed Cindy is how (as you mentioned) the layers of collected finds through travel and art, plus artful accessories have more meaning to me than a NEW upholstered piece of furniture. This can only be accomplished through the years (unless of course there is endless money to purchase treasures for your home)

    The Arts by Karena

  2. I really like the idea of buying "real art" and less things. For me it's tough when people have large collections of small objects...their own and inherited...and it takes over. I will remember "texture is my best friend."

  3. What a great topic Cindy, and I definitely SEE what you mean thru these pictures. My tastes have evolved thru the years, and it will continue on, hopefully, for the better! ;-) Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. A nice tutorial and and good advice. These rooms look so timeless and interesting and not overdone.

  5. Those are the best kind of client! Love these inspirations. How was the barn sale?

  6. This is exactly where I am, I have pieces that I have collected over the years, very traditional, now I am trying to add a few contemporary accessories and colors to bring my home into the current decade. This was a great post.

    1. It is kind of the way we dress Marty...we don't want to look like a granny but we don't want to dress like a hooker either, right?!!

  7. Hi Cindy, yes in your age group and what has brought me to my design style was the love of fine things aged yet down sizing due to divorce, and taking on a more easy cast off look that can easily be replaced with something else without the guilt of not liking something a few years later that I spent way to much money on.

    Fine example for an Ethan Allen chest of drawers that now Adam is name not quality, but in any case still holds a pricey tag on sale or retail. I paid $1,900. For it after my daughter saw wit in a catalog and wanted it about 3 years later she came to me and asked if I would do my paint treatment to it making it look beat up and used, she no longer appreciated the Trompe L'oeil paint finish of khaki tone flower motif all down the face over all the darwer faces that made her feel this on sale piece was something that looked to mass produced and you would find all this painted look on such stores as Ross, Marshalls, Pier One and she no longer wanted that marketed look and feel. Funny thing I told her why now? I could have found a $50.00 or less thrift shop chest and we could have painted it and all is good :))

    Nothing like our sofa, that at times I would love to buy a new slip for it, and it being a company that the slips are $2,000.00 I hold back, I have two slips for it, yet now I would like a linen one grained in a flax look. So changing off these pieces you have to really think out the longevity to what your mood and mind set will be years down the line and buy less trend.... I love what you have done to your own home, that white and natural feel is ageless in your home and I could move right in.

    Now as for the grey haired beauty, can you do a post on going grey quick and easy, this divine look is taking the industry of beauty by storm. Grey is the new black, brown, red or blonde. I still have mid length dark hair almost French black natural to my childhood except for the very grey roots that grow in..... I so want to become that brave girl run in to my salon and tell them do me up platinum silver grey and then let it grow out with this silvered beauty.

    Thank you for this post, it was inspiring.... Don't you love Loi's style.....timeless.
    Although I could also live remotely like a french gypsy! Lol


    1. I will do a post on going gray if our readers can stand it!! It wasn't that hard...I have thought about doing one but I don't want to be "one of those people" who thinks everyone should be gray just because I am!!

  8. I love this post Cindy ... we have had the opportunity in the "50+" world to collect furnishings and art that we love and it is fun for me to find new ways to use it all. Some furnishings come and go ... but the classics have remained with me. And that makes me smile!

    1. I totally agree Kim, with age comes experience, what works and what doesn't work. I have definitely made some mistakes but the classics are still here.

  9. Cindy.... I almost forgot, that black bean soup barn home? Wow, I so want to live somewhere in a neighborhood and homes style that would except this paint finish. I want a Black house, go visit the gardeners cottage she is on my side bar, she just painted her house black andit will be in an up coming country living magazine feature.... Down sized to under a 1,000 square feet, gate house in an old part of town and it will amaze you.


    1. Dore we are "soul sisters" I want that house in my next life...color and all!!

  10. The Gardeners Cottage link...
    For her black small home...


    1. Dore I am going to check it out! Thanks for the tipi!!

  11. I am a member of that vintage age group and one of the best things we ever did was downsize to a townhome. Adjusting to 2000sf from 3500 sf is not that hard. We do, however, miss the half acre and three decks when it is time to entertain but we make do and our guests and family don't seem to mind. After all, its not the location, it's the company, right? Great ideas for empty nesters or "vintage' couples and I especially love the idea of using specific items that have been in other homes....these items are what will turn any space into a home, right?

    1. Diane thank you so much for your comment. It really hits home! We are hoping to downsize as well in the near future! I am going to have my husband read your comment! We have ten acres and though it is lovely it is becoming too much!!

  12. Cheers to this post! I may on the cusp of 50 but this post is all me! Character with style and endurance it shows how the decor can still be fun without being totally trendy and disposable. I love this thanks for a great post!

    1. Ahhh to be on the cusp of 50!! I doubt you have made some of the mistakes that I have decor wise. You have wonderful style! I still love that coffee table you did!!

  13. I have forgotten your question already!55 in JULY..............still collecting stuff!Live in a small house to begin with.Just saw the IRIS APFEL movie............motivated me to keep doing what I am doing!Brings lots of pleasure.............thoses CHarturese curtains are gorgeous.

    1. Oh gosh Elizabeth you are still a baby in my book! You have such great style and personality don't you ever change a thing!!The key is you have a small house....that is my dream...SMALL!!

  14. nailed it! you did not miss a detail cindy, speaks perfectly to the 55+, bravo!
    lucky you to have three clients in this mindset and lucky them for having YOU

    1. I was just talking about you today to Maryann...she wants to come to Round Top too!! Miss you!!

  15. I love all of your thoughts! And these examples are fabulous!

  16. What an insightful look at the thoughts, choices, and accumulations of this 'age group". Very good! xo Leslie

    1. I wasn't sure if anyone would find this topic interesting. I am so happy that you have! I am sure you have to accommodate "our group" in your business as well!!

  17. Spot on! Thank you for reminding me how to share my beauty so that I can lead others to express theirs.

    1. Thank you Karen for your comment!! This stage of life has been very interesting in all sorts of ways!!

  18. Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration for living a great life at a certain age. You are so right in pointing out all of the advantages of the wisdom and maturity we have obtained and how we can put it to work in our homes. It is nice to also be at a point in life where we have the financial means to really make our residences homes that reflects a life well lived.

  19. Cindy,
    This is such a timely post. I do worry about my home taking on that "old lady" look. I am forever paring down and editing. That said, there are some accessories I like that probably do age me, or at least my decor. I have pared some of those down as well. The examples you've shared are not only incredible, they are inspiring. Like one of your other readers, Loi's style is timeless and always wonderful.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I have some places in my home that border on old lady but I am working on them!!!

  20. Cindy, this is a great post. I follow you on Pinterest and don't find anything granny about your choice in decorating or clothing. I'd say that you are hip! I interpret your post to mean, don't go for trendy. Keep what means the most to you and go for a more non-dated look. I despise dusting and would rather have 1 accessory that stands out as opposed to a whole bunch of little things.

    1. Thank you Jennifer you made my day!!! I am in total agreement about the dusting!!!

  21. Yes, I agree, Cindy. You've perfectly described these boomer clients!

  22. Great post, Cindy. I am currently downsizing and have just decided to take a few of my very favorite pieces of furniture for now. I am selling collections of china and silver I had to have and just keeping one or two examples that are my favorites. It is so freeing. I really used Pinterest to collect pictures of smaller homes, apartments and condos that I like and to discover my new style. It turns out that I am a bit of a bohemian.

  23. Anon aren't we all bohemians at heart that is why we collect!!


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