Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Our Friend Jim

This picture was taken by Jim’s mother when he was a child. 
Over twenty years ago we were blessed with some wonderful new neighbors.  What we didn’t know then was that they would become lifelong friends. Jim owned a local tractor dealership and was loved and respected by everyone up and down our valley. He was raised in rural Maine and never forgot his humble beginnings.
We live in the country on twenty acres and at one time had a few cows and a couple of horses.  Our son learned to drive when he was 12.  He was always fascinated with the big tractors that Jim sold.  One day Jim brought one home on and took it to our lower pasture. Colin’s eyes were as big as saucers.  Jim claimed he brought it home to cut the weeds.  We all knew he brought the tractor home so Colin could drive it.  I can see them to this day sitting side by side in that big tractor.  Colin with a smile as big as the tractor he was riding in. Here is a picture of Jim and Colin on Colin’s 19th birthday. The mutual admiration is evident.
There wasn’t an important event in our lives where Jim wasn’t ever present.
When Jim retired he spent a lot of his time designing and building furniture, a lifelong passion  he didn’t have time to indulge until after retirement.  He  was particularly fascinated with designing and perfecting the perfect Adirondack chair to his wife’s chagrin.  When we purchased our house at the lake a few years ago, I couldn’t find an outdoor dining table that I liked.  I found a picture of a table that I wanted for our lower patio area.  I asked Jim if he would would like to make it.  All I did was provide a picture.  In about a week I had a beautiful table.
He also made this great coffee table.  We feel so fortunate to have this remembrance of Jim
Our daughter Jenna and Jim on her Wedding Day
Steve and his best friend in their younger years…
and on my 60th birthday
Jim was one in a million.  I can’t even begin to express how much he enriched the lives of our family. He has left a deep void. I hope all of you have been blessed with a friend like Jim, if so your lives are very rich.


  1. Cindy, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope all the fond memories of good times together will be a source of comfort to you and your family. When I first looked at the picture of Jim I thought his mom had captured him jumping up in the air for joy. When I looked at it again I realized he was standing on the ground - but still it looks like he's filled with so much joy that he appears to be bounding up, face toward the heavens. Thank you for sharing how important Jim was to you and for one of the most lovely childhood photos I've ever seen. xo Michele

    1. Michelle I feel like you knew him...I love what you said about the picture...

  2. I dont even know him and I am crying! I am glad you were touched by such a great soul and have something to remember him by. xo K

    1. Thanks Karolyn...I feel like I didn't even touch the surface of what a wonderful human being he was. We should all try to be better people because of him...

  3. Dear Cindy this man was a true treasure in your lives! His gifts yo those he loved was priceless and I am happy that you have so many fond memories of this generous and great man who was always paying it forward!

    The Arts by Karena

    1. said it so well..he was always paying it forward and never expecting anything in return...the true sign of an exceptional friend...

  4. Oh Cindy. This is such a touching tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss. Jim sounds like such an exceptional man and I can only imagine the void he has left by his passing. Thank you for sharing your stories of him, what a beautiful way to celebrate his life. My prayers to all who knew him.

    1. He was beyond exceptional Leslie..although he would act like he was such a simple man. We are all greater for having known him...

  5. God bless Jim. He was a wonderful man and you and Steve were there for him when he needed it. He's in a better place and now you have someone to look out for you and your family. This was a beautiful tribute, Cindy.

    1. It makes me thankful that you and I have met as well...I think we will be lifelong friends as well..

  6. God bless you all and Jim. You are blessed to have known him and be touched by his kindness. Prayers and hugs to all of you.

  7. Cindy...I'm so sorry...If I were there I would give you a big hug!

    1. Oh my goodness know you have been through it all...thanks for the kind thoughts...

  8. A big hug from here! Jim reminds me of my husband....who is still with us..and we tell him and show him every day how we treasure him!

    Thank you for the extra reminder!

    1. I would love to meet you and your husband some day Penelope. If he is anything like Jim we would be lifelong friends....

  9. Cindy, I am so sorry for your loss. Jim sounds like a one in a million! Take care.

    1. Jennifer thank you so much for your comment.I feel like my readers are the best. Imagine the best possible friend and multiply it by 1,000 that was Jim...

  10. oh Cindy, I am so sorry. I believe God puts people in our lives as a blessing or a lesson but in this case it seems like Jim was both...he sounds like a wonderful person through and through. sitting here reading this i'm reminded for some reason of when, in our church at least, a new baby gets baptized and the minister holds the baby up and says welcome our newest member and he tells the church here is your new child, let's all guide him and love him as our own...I get the feeling that's how he felt about your kids and I just love how your kids loved him too. i'm sorry that your family has lost a treasured friend and part of your family.

    1. Nancy I hope we get to meet someday. Your comments are always so spot on...I know we would be friends...

  11. oh such a loss cindy and what a beautiful tribute to a dear friend. if you have not read this poem, take a peek, it has helped me during times of grief
    (if it does not open, it is called 'gone from my sight' by van dyke)
    sending hugs

    1. This was absolutely lovely...I would expect nothing less

  12. Cindy, the cycle of life seems so unfair at times. Your lovely tribute to Jim makes us take stock of how fleeting life is. You have reminded me to cherish just a little bit more those people I love.

  13. Cindy,
    How lucky you and your family were to have known him. Sharon is in my book club in Carmel and the letter she sent was as touching as their relationship must have been. I never had the opportunity to meet Jim, but Sharon would talk about him and I felt just knowing Sharon, I could guess the type of person he was. She called him a Maine Gentleman! What a loss…we are all so sad for her and her family, and for you and yours.

    1. He was a Maine Gentleman and so much more..loved by many...

  14. I can TELL from these photos that HE was a GOOD MAN.WE have HIT that time in our lives when these dear people start to say good-bye.I love that you have the tables.............I love the tractor story too!SO SORRY..............

  15. Replies
    1. You know what a wonderful man he was...we are blessed by his presence in our lives...

  16. Cindy,
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Special people like Jim touch the lives of so many. Your tribute and wonderful memory photographs brought his story to all of us.

    1. Karen I wish you lived close to me your comments are always so thought provoking...


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