Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mileu Magic

I don’t usually post twice in one week but I am  so inspired by this month’s Mileu.  If you love the Rough Luxe Style and  are not yet a subscriber become one.  Joni at Cote de Texas did a post today as well here

I feel  we all should support Pam Pierce’s endeavor.  So many magazines are struggling and she boldly stepped in and created something magical! Enough said…spread the word!!

Every single home featured is beautiful but I am particularly fond of the home of  the designer Shannon Bowers, incidentally the daughter of Pam Pierce the editor.

Balance. Shannon Bowers
Designer Shannon Bowers, featured in the Spring 2014 issue of MILIEU.
To subscribe go here


  1. We in Houston are so proud of Pamela, and this issue is the absolute best so far. I think they were brilliant to use fabrics and trims and turn out a fashion shoot. I've already given my copy to another gal who didn't know about it. I buy several off the news stands and pass them out at dinner, etc. Good job !!

  2. I love magazines and book cannot get enough of them!! Will definitely subscribe!

  3. Just picked up a copy this afternoon......every bit and more of what I expected.

  4. I actually didn't know about this magazine until now! wow! Have to check it out and start my subscription!

  5. That attic space alone is to die for! Wall to wall wallcovering never hurt a soul, especially when done up in gorgeous greige floral! So chic!

    Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back for my latest design!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  6. This is gorgeous. Love that one yellow chair in the room, and that outside garden space! come on spring! I can feel it! Have a wonderful weekend. xo Nancy

  7. i have got to subscribe....just down right gorgeous!

  8. wow…gorgeous images. Can't wait to go see more!!

  9. Looks like an amazing magazine! Thanks for letting me know about it!

  10. Oh my … I am IN … love the look and the bold move!


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