Friday, February 14, 2014

Meet Mary Ann Pickett of Classic Casual Home

Is there anyone in blogland that doesn’t know Mary Ann of the most loved blog, Classic Casual Home  Mary Ann previously lived in Newport Beach and  wowed everyone with her crisp beachy take on traditional style.  She recently moved to San Francisco and has adapted her unique style to the City by the Bay.  Now that she is officially a Northern California girl we met up at the Design Center in San Francisco . Yes she is even prettier in person, fun, and uber talented!


Our styles are different yet similar.  We share a love of vintage and budget friendly finds, but adapt them to our own sense of style.  Mary Ann’s blog is unique in that she only features her own work, travels and entertaining tips.  Today I would like to share some of her fabulous table settings that she has featured on her blog.  I know it is shower season and many of you are planning parties for a bride or new mom to be.   Take a look at some of Mary Ann’s wonderful table settings.  I know you will find tons of inspiration! 
Mary Ann said that this table setting reminds her of my daughter’s wedding palette.  I love how she combined these gorgeous dahlias with the lemons and leaves.  What could be better than sitting at this gorgeous table with a crisp glass of Pinot Grigio!

Mary Ann often finds treasures at Home Goods to spruce up her own table settings.  I love these crochet looking mats she used here.  I see we have the same fabric on our outdoor chairs as well!

Here are the crochet look chargers again.  Aren’t they gorgeous against that ice blue tablecloth?

Wouldn’t this gorgeous table setting be wonderful for a bride to be? Note the addition of the bone handled flat ware.

Mary Ann got the chargers below at Pier One.  I have the same chargers and find many uses for them as well.  I love these napkins combined with the stripe tablecloth. 

Now let’s check out the beautiful tablescapes that she has created inside her home.  I bet she is doing a lot more indoor entertaining now that she lives in San Francisco!
Mary Ann likes to mix and match her tableware to create a unique look. Love the napkin presentation. She always comes up with that special detail that makes her presentation fabulous!

I think this is one of my favorite tablescapes.  I love the combination of elements she used here.  Notice you get a glimpse of her beautiful home in the background!!
Mary Ann created this beautiful display for a bridal shower.  Wasn’t she a lucky bride to be?

Mary Ann created this clever candy bar for a birthday party on the beach.  This could easily be adapted for a baby shower as well.

 Oh and did I mention she is a great cook as well? I tried this Grilled Lemon Chicken Paparadelle awhile back for a dinner with friends and everyone loved it!

All photos via Classic Casual Home
You can find this recipe here If you aren’t a regular reader of Mary Ann’s blog you are really missing out! Stop by today  and and you can see some of my entertaining ideas as well.


  1. Thanks, so MUCH, Cindy FOR having me over to your beautiful blog!! I am a big admirer of YOURS. Hope we can meet at the design center again soon. HAPPY VALENTINES, DAY!

  2. She is really an awesome entertainer and her tablescapes are beyond beautiful. I love both of your blogs and what a treat to meet one another! Happy Valentine's! xo Nancy

  3. Hi Cindy, thank you for this fresh, beautiful, bright post today! Just what I needed on this snow bound, cold wintry day! Mary Anne's blog is a wonderful inspiration board of ideas, and information....thank you for sharing...N.xo

  4. I came over from Mary Ann's blog and I am so glad that I did. Beautiful posts. I am so glad that she shared.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Hi Cindy, Isn't Mary Ann just the best? And I'm so happy to have discovered your blog through her post today. Love what I've seen and can't wait to see more. Thank you Mary Ann for sharing Cindy's Rough Luxe Lifestyle blog and thank you Cindy for showcasing Mary Ann with a beautiful post on your blog! Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Always enjoy Mary Ann's posts Cindy! Gorgeous tables here today and that pasta looks amazing. Have a wonderful weekend. xxleslie

  7. Well I love all these table settings so lovely!!!

  8. Just found your blog from Mary Ann's...been a longtime fan of her talents! Her table settings are always so pretty.

    Your daughter's wedding on Mary Ann's blog is every detail! Glad I found your blog :)

  9. Loved each and every table setting! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Hi Cindy, love Mary Ann's table setting...she is very talented!

  11. How nice that you could meet up in person! I love Mary Ann's blog and have visited for years. Hats off to both of you!

  12. Love seeing you chic girls together. How fun you met up. I am hoping to get to meet Mary Ann now that she's a Nor Cal girl. Loved reading about her changes to the new SF place. This was also fun seeing her entertaining ideas. Both of you ladies inspire me a ton!
    xx Kim

  13. Wonderful ..I will be hosting my moms birthday in April and Every year I am looking for great new ideas for the ladies luncheon. These are wonderful. Great ideas. Thanks so much.

  14. Love these beautiful tiles AND Mary Ann!! xo

  15. I so love you Mary Ann. Your decorations and designs are really beautiful.

    And from the way I see it, it's budget-friendly. I love the idea of lemon and flower centerpiece.

  16. This is my first visit to your blog (saw the changes you made on your remodeled home) and really enjoy it. Will be a regular visitor. YR


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