Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Three Weddings and…..

Many of you have asked that I post some of the pictures from my daughter’s wedding a couple years ago.  Since it is wedding season I thought I would do a short series about three family weddings I was involved in.  First up my daughter’s wedding at our home and on the range!!
The bride and her maids readying for the ceremony
The Groom and Groomsman coming from a little pre wedding “prep” at JJ’s
The beautiful bouquets!!
The ring bearer and his Auntie waiting for his big moment!
The wedding site in it’s raw integrity…the arbor was built by the bride’s brother and father (and still stands out in the pasture) we thought about decorating the arbor…some things are better left to nature…
The bride was escorted to the site in a vintage pink caddy by “Uncle Mike”
The Groom and Groomsmen in route to the ceremony
Custom “Cornhole” designed and constructed by the bride’s brother for the guests to enjoy pre wedding out in “the pasture”…Ry Ry enjoying a little game manuevering

This old truck has a history on the property The bride and groom  used it’s image on all of their goodies!
The Officiant “Aunt Karen” 
The bride and groom in our rose garden
Wine created especially for the occasion by our great friends from Marilyn Remark Winery here….http://www.remarkwines.com/  My son in law created the label design from a picture I took.
Wedding Day Brews crafted by the bride’s brother and sister in law…yes they are amazingly talented!! Believe it or not the guests drank more beer than wine because they were so interesting!
The Buffet at the Fountain
The bride and groom met in San Francisco so they chose San Francisco neighborhoods for their table names
Ikea Lanterns and glasses for votives…old sap buckets hold flower arrangements
The goodie bags filled with candy, cookies, water and wedding information!
The bride’s handsome brother preparing for his speech
Sister in Law of the Bride reminiscing ….
The dinner in our driveway!!
Dessert table with homemade cookies (baked by our good friend) were the first devoured!
Votives hanging in canning jars from the trees
The Bride and Groom at the Front Fountain at dusk…
Dinner under the stars…
The Groom’s sister reminiscing in front of our garage door reconceived as a gallery wall for the occasion
The bride and her maids enjoying the party!
This little guy (though clad in wedding attire) only made a brief appearance.  If you have been reading this blog very long you know why….
All photographs courtesy of the amazing Eric Wooten Photography.  If any of you have ever had a wedding at your home you know “it takes a village” of friends and family to pull it off…you know who you are!!!
Also please pop on over to my friend Mary Anne’s blog Classic Casual Home here http://www.classiccasualhome.com/.  If you haven’t visited her blog your are going to be very happy that I am referring you! She is having a wonderful giveaway that supports a wonderful cause http://loverowan.wazala.com/widget/?nickname=loverowan&profilepage=1&subdomain=1.  I don’t know about you but I have already ordered my bracelet and several for others.  What is more fun than shopping and supporting a great cause!


  1. Not only do I love these images-I got the chills.
    What an incredibly festive wedding and wedding dinner. I absolutely love how you transformed the garage door and the driveway into an incredible feast and tablescape. Loved every single detail.
    Thanks for sharing this gorgeousness!
    xx, Heather

    1. Thank you Heather for your kind comments! It was a labor of love!

  2. Cindy...her wedding looked wonderful...unique and so pretty...you did such a beautiful job! Your gardens are gorgeous...I wish I lived closer...I would love to see your gardens in person...

    1. We are going to have to get together one of these days!!

  3. Cindy, this is the kind of wedding I have always dreamed of for my two sons...just so lovely....the flowers, your home and garden, but most importantly what I could feel....not even being THERE, the love that went into all of the preparations...so evident!! Thank you for sharing this very personal and beautiful post, it looked like a perfect day! N.xo

  4. Oh my gosh this wedding is simply stunning. Have to do some pinning.
    AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR support for Rowan...you are so kind.

  5. Cindy, these photos are terrific. What an occasion! You had all the special touches. Lovely setting! Your talent truly shows through here. Cheryl

  6. Love the gray-green and warm yellows together, I really am totally taken with this. Gorgeous. Well done.

  7. Beautiful is the only word for all of this! Every last detail was gorgeous, and I LOVE the color scheme. What a wonderful celebration of love! I will need to send this to my daughter since she is dreaming of making a career out of wedding and event planning. :)

    1. Two more weddings coming right up! Thanks for stopping by Kelly!

  8. Wow, Cindy, could it have been any more beautiful? Just love the relaxed feel, but the attention to detail is amazing....love it all!!

  9. Absolutely beautiful, Cindy! The bride and her maids! The setting! Your garden! And those guys are pretty cool. Your daughter is beautiful.

  10. CIndy, I am in awe of all you did for this wedding! Gorgeous. I love every single little bit! The tables with the yellow stripes, and the buckets of flowers were just darling..Especially love the ceremony in the open there and looking toward the mountains. You transformed your driveway into such a festive and pretty spot! Looks like this was a whole family effort of love and it shows. How fortunate you are to have such a talented and close family! The bride looked so beautiful and I loved her dress and the bridesmaids dresses and colors!

    I am going to pin a bunch of these!


  11. P.S. Forgot to tell you I adore the little ring bearer in his tennis shoes! Love that your dog got to get a bow tie as well and be part of it.

  12. Cindy...All I can say is WOW!!!...and I want to study each image. Every detail is perfection and the setting absolutely awesome. You have so much talent and style. What a fabulous memory for the entire family! XO, Mona

  13. Cindy I adore all of these images from the wedding. It looks like so much fun for everyone!
    The colors, the venue, everything is very special!

    A Featured Artful Giveaway
    Art by Karena

  14. Yellow and gray-- such a great color combo. The wedding is absolutely beautiful as is the surrounding landscape. You must've been so proud! Thanks for sharing.


  15. Absolutely gorgeous and unique! The photo of the beautiful couple in your rose garden is a treasure.


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