Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrating America….and a giveaway!

This past week we witnessed the best

We Are Boston Strong on Cape Cod. A candelight memorial is planned for Friday, April 19 at 7 p.m. at Bass River Beach. Photo courtesy of the Yarmouth Police Department.

….and the worst that is America.

In the aftermath we as a people did what we do best , honored those who lost their lives...

... celebrated  those  that captured the remaining suspect

and reminded ourselves how lucky we are to be  Americans…

Today let's honor all that makes us great.  Let’s celebrate with a giveaway of Nathan Turner’s American Style

All you have to do to be entered is leave a comment about what being American means to you,  and become a follower. Giveaway will close on April 30th.


  1. wonderful tribute Cindy! This is a lovely post. God bless the U S A!!
    xo Nancy

  2. Great post Cindy. American's always stand together and united in troubled times. Proud of Boston and to be an American.
    xo, Lissy

  3. What an appropriate (and generous) giveaway for this time. I think we saw a lot of American Style over the past week. Being an American of course means we have the blessing to live freely. But Americans also filled with kindness, compassion and generosity. When we see others in need of help, we offer a helping hand and see that wrongs are made right. That's American Style.

  4. On days like these, although trying, seeing others help those in need always gives me a sense of American pride. That's what America means to me: when given the option to run and hide, Americans choose to run into the trouble to help. America is all about helping others and we are by far the most generous nation. Whether it's our brave Military, First Responders, or the person standing next to you, as Americans we want to help. This is what brings us to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - all of which never goes out of style.

    Great blog, Cindy! My wonderful Aunt Deb referred me to your blog as I'm just starting out and learning to decorate.

    1. Welcome! Does your aunt deb happen to be my friend and neighbor?!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry, I was accidentally under my husband's login so I deleted my first comment.

      Yes, ma'am! The same one! Or I should say, the one and only :)


  5. Just to say that in Europe we are aware about all, that we're thinking of Boston and that we're praying for Peace! For peace in the world. For leaving together in peace, whatever nationality or religion, that's the only way to fight any kind of terror.
    Let's keep up hope.

  6. As Americans, we are very fortunate to live in the land of opportunity.

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  8. I'm a follower....would love to win!!! Proud of America, too.

  9. Wonderful post and a lovely giveaway. Boston makes me appreciate the American get-it-done attitude. I used to think we were all generally the same, but when I saw the episode of Downton Abbey - the one with Shirley McClain as the American relative - I realized what a difference there truly is in our attitudes.


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