Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tips for Styling Round Entry Tables

Styling a round table can be a bit tricky in my book.  Why? because it can be seen from every possible angle! Here are some great examples of creative styling from the exuberant to the sublime.  Height here can be very important especially if the entry has high ceilings as many do.  A skimpy little arrangement may look lost. In the case of a round table it may be helpful to divide it into zones (remember to keep them an uneven number).
I find these five elements can be helpful.
#3 AN ARTIFACT  (something gathered from your travels or your own house)
#5 A POP OF COLOR (to draw your eye to the arrangement)
In this vignette simple branches provide the height and the simple sticks provide the texture.

Outdoor clippings.

Notice the importance of texture in this creation by Jeffrey Allen Marks.  This is one of my all-time favorites.
Jeffrey Allen Marks

In this period home by the wonderful David Easton the simple arrangement of fresh flowers and books suit this environ. Anything too fussy would be too much.
David Easton - love everything
David Easton

Mark Sikes uses simple eucalyptus branches for height and texture and carefully places the bowl of kumquats for that pop of color.
Black & white entry by Mark D. Sikes
mark sikes

I love this vignette by Phoebe Howard.  Texture plays a leading role here.
phoebe howard
phoebe howard

Here coffee table books lay the groundwork  while the simple bouquet of hydrangeas provides the drama.
House & Home - entrances/foyers - Sandy Chapman-Small Arch Top Lantern, bleached oak pedestal table, ebony stained oak, hardwood floors, sta...
Sandy Chapman House and Home

This artistic arrangement appears so simple but I am sure was very carefully thought out. The photography is incredible as well.
Lovely vignette. (An autumn entry via Savor Home)

Sponge coral is one of my favorite elements and it doesn’t require water!
Kay O'Toole
via willow decor

Sometimes one large simple element can create the most impact

For a study in the mastery of round table styling take a look at this arrangement created by  Joan from for the love of a house .

I love round entry tables don’t you? My entry is too small for one sadly. Do you have one in your home?  If so do you find it difficult to style?


  1. I have always enjoyed the round entry table. I too have a small entry and can't have one. Perhaps that's why I'm constantly drawn to them....

  2. Wouldn't it be wonderful to come home to the Jeffrey Allen Marks creation. I'd have so much fun with the floral arrangement!

  3. I would love to have round entry table filled with branches and books....but your post has me thinking of switching up my entry!

  4. I've always wanted to have a house with an entryway/foyer large enough for such a beautiful table. I ended up with a foyer barely big enough for three pairs of shoes. I love all of these examples. You've got some great taste, ma'am.

    I think the last photo belongs to Joan from For the Love of a House blog. I think it's her den/reading room.

  5. Cindy, like so many of us, I have dreamed of a round table in my entry...but it is too small for such...I love all the examples you have shown here, and it only make me salivate even more!! I am thinking of perhaps doing a library table in an area of our family room, which might somehow resemble this it though! N.xo

  6. Cindy, like so many of us, I have dreamed of a round table in my entry...but it is too small for such...I love all the examples you have shown here, and it only make me salivate even more!! I am thinking of perhaps doing a library table in an area of our family room, which might somehow resemble this it though! N.xo

  7. I love round entry tables and hope to have a house sometime in my life that has a big enough foyer to use one! The ones in your post are so beautifully styled!

  8. One of my clients has a curved stairway, a round table is just what it needs, I've been waiting for one to appear on Craigslist! This is perfect inspiration for styling as soon as one shows up!

  9. I love round tables in a foyer. These vignettes are all so beautiful particularly the David Easton, Phoebe Howard and the one with the silver compote of persimmons- LOVE!!! Hope youre having a great week, xo Nancy

  10. Cindy these are gorgeous ... I am finishing up on a foyer project for a client and loving the feel of the table! Unfortunately, I have NO room for such a luxury!! xo

  11. So agree with you! Love round tables too! A wonderful post!!!
    Happy weekend!

  12. Cindy, I'm going to pin some of these.. love the round tables in the entry and I hope I can do this in our new home. We are downsizing and I'm not sure about space yet. I like the flowers and objects changing seasonally;) fun!


    1. Also.. just ordered three of those lanterns shown above (Powell) Can't wait to see them.

  13. I love the vignette by Jeffery Allen of my favorites!

  14. I adore round entry tables Cindy! Thank you for so many fabulous examples and ideas!

    Jay Jeffers, Collected Cool!

  15. OH how I wish I had a large foyer to make a vignettes like one of the lovelies you posted here!! Gorgeous!

  16. YES, I love round tables as well! And yes, also our entrance hall is too small for one, unfortunately, because it creates such an interesting "welcome". Had several round tables, but sold them all....
    NO, I do not found/find it difficult at all to "style" a round table, rather the opposite.
    Lovely, inspiring and interesting images!
    Warmest greetings from the Périgord,

    p.s. Coming slowly but surely out from/off my 'winter hole', finished nearly our recent restoration work, sun is shining and garden crying! But will try to be back in the blog world a bit more often.....

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  18. Yes, of course I have one of these tables !

    I'm the jardinere with books type .

    Love your curated pics.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  19. I so WISH I had room for a round table somewhere so I could decorate it up like in all of these images!!!


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